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A security guard — a profession of high demand in the labour market! Find out how to obtain a security guard employee certificate!

Upon exploring job advertisements platforms, it is not hard to come to the conclusion that security guard jobs are available in a wide range. However, in order to fulfil the duties of a security guard, one must obtain a certificate.


Find out what is required to obtain this certificate and how to extend its validity term since the certificate is issued for a period of 5 years.

Security guard training centre "DAIZPON" (hereinafter — DAIZPON) offers the following "Protection of persons and property” educational programmes upon the completion of which a security guard certificate is obtainable

· 84 hour vocational educational programme, Educational programme of basic level of knowledge for security guard work;

· 480 hour vocational further educational programme with the obtainable qualification — Security guard (second qualification level);

· 940 hour vocational further educational programme with the obtainable qualification — Security guarding organiser (third qualification level).

All of the offered educational programmes have been licensed and accredited at the State Education Quality Service of Latvia (Izglītības kvalitātes valsts dienests) until 2022.

DAIZPON also offers courses for the extension of the term of validity of a security guard certificate.

Additionally, DAIZPON offers Weapon courses for obtaining a licence for carrying and possessing weapons and training courses of special combat for employees of security companies — detaining techniques, using weapons and special tools for detaining purposes, protection during an attack, detaining technique from different positions, situation improvisations in security activities.

What requirements must be met to obtain a security guard certificate?

I. Ponomarenko, a DAIZPON instructor, informs about all the criteria laid out by law for a person to be eligible to obtain a security guard certificate:

1) one of the security educational "Protection of persons and property” programmes has been completed;

2) the State qualification examination (test) has been passed if the person has completed the 84 hour vocational educational programme "Educational programme of basic level of knowledge for security guard work";

3) an application has been submitted to the State Police for obtaining the certificate and the following documents have been attached:
-) an opinion issued by a psychiatrist and a narcologist;

-) a certificate on the completion of a 12 hour first-aid basic knowledge training course;

-) an educational qualification document on the completion of a security guard educational programme;

4) the person has paid the state fee of EUR 20.00 for obtaining the security guard certificate;

5) the person has reached the age of 18.

In which cases it will be impossible to obtain a security guard certificate?

Additionally, I. Ponomarenko informs that the security guard certificate shall not be issued to a person:

1) Who has been punished for committing an intentional criminal offence or for a criminal offence committed under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or other intoxicating substances — prior to the extinguishment or setting aside of the conviction;

1) Who has been convicted of committing the criminal offence provided for in Clause 1 by releasing from the punishment or serving of the punishment - if less than a year has passed since the ruling to release from the punishment or serving of the punishment entered into effect;

2) Who has been released from criminal liability for committing the criminal offence provided for in Clause 1 — less than a year has passed since the decision entered into effect;

3) Who has been conditionally released from criminal liability for committing the criminal offence provided for in Clause 1 — prior to expiration of the probationary period;

4) To whom the status of the accused has been applied in criminal proceedings for committing the criminal offence provided for in Clause 1;

5) Who has been administratively punished for violations committed under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances, for refusal to submit to a medical test for alcohol concentration, as well as a test for narcotic or other intoxicating substances, for petty hooliganism, for intentional infliction of insignificant bodily harm, or for malicious non-compliance with lawful orders or requests of a police employee, a border guard, or guardsman, as well as a soldier — less than a year has passed since the administrative punishment was enforced;

6) Whose security guard certificate has been cancelled during the last year.

How to extend the term of validity of a security guard certificate?

I. Ponomarenko explains the following — in order to extend the term of validity of a security guard certificate, a person, who has completed the 84 hour educational programme of Basic level of knowledge or the 160 hour vocational educational programme "Security guarding activity”, may choose to either take the qualification exam at the State Police or to complete an 80 hour training course.

The person who has chosen to take the qualification exam at the State Police can independently acquire knowledge necessary for the study test and take the examination test at the State Police the results of which are valid for one year from the date of taking the examination.

Likewise, I. Ponomarenko reminds that the Application for the extension of the validity term of the security guard certificate after taking the examination test must be submitted to the State Police no later than within one month and no sooner than three months before the end of the validity term of the security guard certificate.

However, a person who has chosen to extend the validity term of the security guard certificate without taking an examination test at the State Police, must, within 5 years from the date of receiving the security guard certificate, complete the 80 hour training course at the security guard training centre and obtain a certified statement for the completion of the 80 hour training course. The certified statement is intended for a submission to the State Police.

Again, I. Ponomarenko points out that the Application for the extension of the validity term of the security guard certificate without taking the security guard employee qualification examination must be submitted to the State Police no later than within one month and no sooner than three months before the end of the validity term of the security guard certificate.

The following documents must be attached to the applications for the extension of the validity term of the security guard certificate:

-) an opinion issued by a psychologist and a narcologist (valid for 3 months from the date of issue);

-) an educational qualification document on the completion of a security guard educational programme;

-) a certified statement for an 80 hour course (does not apply to persons who passed the State qualification examination).

Before submitting the application, a state fee of EUR 20.00 for extending the validity term of the security guard certificate must be paid. It is not required to attach printouts of the bank payment, as well as it is not required to submit a photo since it will be obtained from the Identity document information system. A new security guard certificate is issued within 30 days and it is valid for 5 years.

FOTO : Daizpon

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