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Saturs turpināsies pēc reklāmas

Repatriation - the right to be buried in your home country

In the hours of grief, when close and dear ones pass away, it is important that the funeral services provider understand the reality of the deceased loved one's situation, which is often filled with heartbreak and despair. Often, in this situation and when the deceased is far from home, relatives feel helpless and confused, not knowing what to do next. During this difficult time, the funeral services provider SIA Angel in the Sky is always ready to help and take on all the responsibilities of transporting the deceased to support the loved ones and relieve them of unnecessary worries and anxieties.


Transporting the deceased is a complicated process and you will face a number of challenges, from paperwork to finding specialised vehicles, so to avoid burdening your loved ones in their grief, contact ANGEL. The funeral services provider provides a wide range of funeral services throughout Latvia and abroad.

The agency deals with the international transportation of the deceased:

  • In a specialised certified hearse from abroad to Latvia and from Latvia to anywhere in the world.
  • By plane from different countries, where the funeral services provider's staff will meet the deceased at a Baltic airport in a zinc coffin ("Cargo 200").

The funeral services provider ANGEL has extensive experience in organising repatriations, both locally and internationally. The funeral services provider operates in many countries such as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, England, Ireland, Germany, CIS countries, Scandinavia, to name a few. You don't need to search for the service you need in a city or country you don't know - just contact ANGEL

ANGEL is one of the founders of the "Baltic Association of Ritual Service Providers" and a member of the "European Federation of Funeral Services" (EFFS).

The funeral services provider ANGEL is one of the few in Latvia that is a member of the international freight association "Latvian Auto", which in our difficult times allows the hearse with the body of the deceased to cross the borders of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine without any problems. There are no restrictions on the movement of the deceased's body in European Union countries.

How much does it cost to repatriate a deceased person?

If the deceased was not insured, the relatives must pay all the funeral costs. Expenses to take into account:

  • The cost is €2 per kilometre;
  • Toll road pass-through costs;
  • Round-trip ferry costs, if applicable;
  • Cost of creating a zinc coffin;
  • Administration costs.

The most important thing that relatives gain from the homecoming of the deceased is peace of mind and the opportunity to honour the deceased by observing family, Christian or other traditions that were important to the deceased one.

Repatriācija, Photo by RODNAE Productions ,

Saturs turpināsies pēc reklāmas

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