Rīgas Privātie kapi
In nowadays society, cemeteries and the burial of the dead are subjects that are not really accepted to be discussed while a person is still alive. But until very recently, it was very different: every family had its own private cemetery, and when people reached a respectable age, they not only made their final wishes and funeral arrangements clear, but often had a coffin already prepared, and no one was confused by this arrangement.
But nowadays, it is also possible to arrange things on time so that a person's departure from this world is dignified and it causes as little worries as possible for those who are left behind. Riga Private Cemetery offers this opportunity, and you should not feel uncomfortable to use it.
Grave site in the Forest Cemetery and its advantages
Riga Forest Cemetery, established in 1913, is one of the most culturally and historically valuable cemeteries in Latvia, having not only the burials of a wide variety of people, but also there are traces left by dramatic historical events and political regimes. The cemetery is home to many monuments and memorials that have artistic value.
In many people's minds, the Forest Cemetery is associated with an iconic symbol, and many people are fully convinced that it is completely unrealistic for the "ordinary dead" to have a final resting place there. But that's not true!
Riga Private Cemetery, which has been operating since 2000, offers the possibility to buy or reserve burial places in the Forest Cemetery.
A grave in Riga Private Cemetery has several advantages and it helps to avoid many various complications:
· when buying or reserving a burial place, the declaration of the place of residence is irrelevant;
· burial or reburial can be carried out from anywhere in Latvia or abroad;
· it is possible to make a family burial place and a contract on inheritance of the burial place;
· you can reserve a burial place in advance by paying a small annual fee.
The owners of the cemetery have also made it as convenient as possible for relatives to visit and maintain the grave site – there is a convenient car parking by the cemetery, and water and electricity services are available for the entire cemetery area.
If for some reason the family is unable to take care of the maintenance and arrangements of the grave site themselves, this can also be entrusted to the Riga Private Cemetery.
Document preparation and funeral organisation services
When a loved one passes away, the family and relatives not only experience immense pain and grief, but also find themselves in the difficult position of having to organise a dignified funeral for the deceased at short notice. For the inexperienced, it's actually a very complicated event to organise, with a lot of details to take into account.
Riga Private Cemetery also offers a quick and correct solution to all funeral arrangements. It's a chance to free yourself and your loved ones from complicated formalities and unpleasant decisions at such a difficult time.
In addition to the purchase or reservation of a grave, Riga Private Cemetery offers:
· Legal formalities and burial documents in accordance with Latvian law;
· Transporting the deceased to and from the morgue;
· Arranging and conducting the funeral ceremony, including the services of pastors of all denominations;
· Funeral accessories – coffins, funeral urns, etc;
· Maintenance of grave sites and flowers according to the customer's instructions;
· Manufacturing and installation of granite tombstones.
Why is it worth making funeral and grave arrangements well in advance?
While the loss of a loved one is undoubtedly associated with strong emotional feelings, it is worth keeping a cool head and taking into account some philosophical and pragmatic considerations when thinking about saying goodbye and the final resting place:
· The cost of burial places is getting more expensive, and this will not change.
· Planning ahead is one of the most considerate things we can do for our family and loved ones, who will already be going through an emotionally difficult time.
· Knowing that we will say goodbye peacefully, with dignity and according to our wishes will give us greater peace of mind at the end of life.
Leaving and saying goodbye is as normal a part of life as any other. Don't feel uncomfortable to plan in advance, and Riga Private Cemetery will help you do it as calmly and respectfully as possible.

Rīgas Privātie kapi